春节将至,年味渐浓 热闹非凡的社火、浪漫绚烂的打铁花、充满韵味的新春庙会…… 精彩纷呈的“山西年俗大戏”即将上演 还等什么? 这个春节,跟着“悟空”来山西 听山西民歌,享缤纷年俗,品地道年味儿 The Spring Festival is coming and the flavor of the year is getting stronger. Lively folk festivities, romantic melton iron fireworks, and the temple fair with lingering charm... The wonderful "Shanxi annual custom drama" is about to be staged. What are you waiting for? This Spring Festival, follow "Wukong" to Shanxi Listen to Shanxi folk songs, and enjoy colorful custom as well as the authentic flavor.