专栏名称: 北京城市实验室BCL
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研讨会 | Urban Data, Science and Technology Workshop

北京城市实验室BCL  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-06-07 17:00


# 会议 (线下) 简介 # 会议名称: Urban Data, Science and Technology Workshop 主办方: 清华建筑学院; MIT International Science and Technology Initiatives(麻省理工学院国际科技计划); SAGE旗下期刊《 Transactions in Urban Data, Science, and Technology 》 会议海报 会议议程 1.Keynote Sessions (12:30-14:45, 每人 30min 演讲, 15 分钟讨论 ) 2.茶歇(14:45-15:05) 3.Doctoral Student Presentations (15:05-18:25, 每人15min汇报,10分钟点评) 点评专家: Fabio Duarte;Filip Biljecki;Jiangping Zhou; Jianghao Wang; Fan Zhang;Lei Dong;Yao Shen;Ying Long Name:  Yue Ma (THU) Title:   Revealing changes in urban physical disorder using twenty million street view images Name: Ce Hou (PKU/HKUST) Title:  “Transferred bias” uncovers the balance between the development of physical and socio-economic environments of cities Name: Renlu Qiao  ( TJU ) Title:  From exodus to trapping: Understanding the Global subnatio ………………………………

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