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9.20 周五 • Kris Baha - 未来低语

POTENT  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-09-18 19:00


自 Kris Baha 从澳大利亚的炽热土地移居至野兽派建筑林立的东柏林后,他标志性的工业音景正快速扎根于该城市最隐秘的角落,在登上 Cocktail D’Amore, Tresor, Panorama bar, RSO 等知名派对及俱乐部的舞台之余,也经营着自己的派对系列 — “Wired”,以此向舞池传递其受情感驱动的别样音色。 “ 灵感有助于激发创意,但我也坚信创作音乐需要持之以恒。 ” —— Kris Baha Much time has passed since the Queer Australian/Italian-Armenian, Kris Baha (Kristian Bahoudian) swapped the parched red earth and searing midday sun of the Australian landscape for the brutalist buildings, communist-era apartment blocks and slate-grey skies of East Berlin. Now firmly embedded in his adopted city, Baha has become known for a mutant trademark production style inspired by sun-baked hallucinatory visions of the past-future clandestine, concrete-clad industrial hum of the metropolis after dark.   Kr ………………………………

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