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中国日报双语新闻  · 公众号  ·  · 2025-02-14 10:40


13日,浙江东阳市公安局发布通报: 针对网上流传“女演员崔某某自曝无证酒驾肇事逃逸”事件,经我局全面调查, 其自曝内容系不实信息 。 经查,近期,崔某某(女,36岁)在网络平台直播时, 为博取眼球、吸引粉丝,编造自己曾在横店拍戏时无证酒后驾车肇事逃逸的虚假事实,造成严重不良社会影响。 目前,崔某某因虚构事实扰乱公共秩序,违反《中华人民共和国治安管理处罚法》相关规定, 已被我局依法予以行政拘留。 Chinese actress Cui Manli was detained by the police for falsely claiming to have driven under the influence without a license and fleeing the scene of an accident. under the influence: 酒 醉 to drive under the influence:酒后驾驶 The actress, best known for her role as Yu Ying'er in the TV drama  Empresses in the Palace , had fabricated these claims during a live stream to gain attention, causing significant negati ………………………………

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