专栏名称: 钙钛矿太阳能电池
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郑州大学史志锋/韩炎兵最新Applied Physics Reviews:硫化物钙钛矿物理特性与应用

钙钛矿太阳能电池  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-06-17 22:40


Figure 1. Illustration of the optoelectronic properties, stability, and environmental friendliness of chalcogenide perovskites. Figure 2. Atomic parameters of constituent atoms from chalcogenide perovskites. (a) Electronegativity; (b) cation radii of II-IV-Ch 3 type chalcogenide perovskites. Figure 3. Classification of chalcogenide perovskites and summary of their prototype structures. The structure of each compound was indicated by its background color. Figure 4. Illustration of a) the evolution from the Ruddlesden-popper phase to distorted perovskite structure, b) BaNiO 3 prototype with hexagonal structure, and c) needle-like NH 4 CdCl 3 prototype. Figure 5. Characterization and calculation of chalcogenide perovskites related with photovoltaic properties. a) High-throughput screening of chalcogenide perovskites by first-principles calculations for photovoltaics. Key material properties including phase stability, thermodynamic stability, dynamic stability, band gap, effective mas ………………………………

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