背景介绍: 长期以来,东亚地区各国遵循男性工作、女性持家的传统性别角色分工。然而,随着年轻一代观念的转变、女性教育和就业率的提升,以及育儿假政策的推广,男性在育儿方面的参与度逐渐增加。尽管变化缓慢,但这一现象正对家庭结构和社会产生深远影响,同时也为解决人口危机提供了新思路。 Fathers are
doing more child care in East Asia 在东亚,父亲开始承担更多育儿责任 About time,
too 早就该如此了 For years Ito Tsubasa never questioned his
family life: he worked long hours while his wife did all the housework. So it
came as a shock when his wife, pregnant with their second child, suggested he
take parental leave so she could focus on her career. 多年来,伊藤翼从未质疑过自己的家庭生活:他长时间工作,而妻子则包揽所有家务。因此,当怀着二胎的妻子提出让他休育儿假,以便她能专心于事业时