专栏名称: 室内设计联盟网
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室内设计联盟网  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-11-02 14:00


  | 青岗坪康养小镇接待中心 |  彰显品质的展示中心 | 湖北·宜昌  ━ 01 项目概况 Project O v erview 青岗坪康养小镇项目是一个以避暑、医养、旅游为一体的综合康养项目。倡导的是“所有人的良好生活”。表达的是一种舒服、健康、具有幸福感的生活状态。接待大厅"以文化境,意景合一"的设计理念,让游客寻找一处让自己气定神闲,身心宁静,心里的世外桃源复苏的地方,一片形神皆静的天地。 Qinggangping Recreation Town Project is a comprehensive recreation project integrating summer holiday, medical care and tourism. It advocates ‘good life for all’. It expresses a comfortable, healthy and happy state of life. The design concept of the reception hall, ‘culture and landscape’, allows visitors to find a place where they can relax, have peace of mind and body, and revive the paradise in their hearts, a place where the spirit and the shape of the wo ………………………………

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