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FT是英国《金融时报》(Financial Times)的简称,1888年创刊。凭借全球记者资源和英语母语特色,每日奉上双语阅读资讯、速读小测、原声视频与电台,轻松学英语。内容涵盖金融财经、时尚轻奢、运动美食、职场管理、移民留学等热门话题。
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拜登退出大选并支持卡玛拉•哈里斯;国际法院:以色列占领巴勒斯坦领土非法 | 双语资讯速览

跟FT学英语  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-07-22 17:30


01 拜登退出大选 并支持卡玛拉•哈里斯 US President Joe Biden has abandoned his re-election bid following overwhelming pressure from fellow Democrats and endorsed his vice-president Kamala Harris to succeed him, saying it was “in the best interest of my party and the country for me to stand down”. 在民主党同僚的巨大压力下,美国总统乔•拜登放弃了连任竞选,并支持他的副总统 卡玛拉•哈里斯 (Kamala Harris,又译: 贺锦丽 )接替他的职位,称“退出符合我的政党和国家的最大利益”。 The president announced his decision to quit the race in a letter published to social media on Sunday, throwing this year’s White House contest into turmoil with less than four months to go until voters in the world’s biggest economy elect their new leader on November 5. 这位总统在上周日通过社交媒体发布的一封信中宣布了他退出竞选的决定,这使得今年的白宫竞选陷入了混乱, ………………………………

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