专栏名称: 气候变化经济学
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气候变化经济学  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-11-11 08:15


报告人 郝新亚,香港城市大学能源与环境学院博士研究生。本硕毕业于山东大学商学院,主要研究方向为气候变化、能源与环境经济学,相关工作论文获ICEF2024最佳论文奖。 报告题目 高温、限电和企业绩效 报告摘要 This paper investigates the impacts of power rationing on firm performance during heat-induced power shortages and the economic rationales for the government’s power rationing strategy in a system characterized by a lack of market mechanisms and price signals. We combine panel data from Chinese firms with fine-scale meteorological data to find robust evidence that high temperatures significantly reduce firms’ electricity usage and performance. Leveraging inter-provincial hydropower dispatching and precipitation anomalies, we provide causal evidence that the decline in firms’ electricity usage is primarily driven by power rationing during high-temperature days. We further developed ………………………………

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