专栏名称: 财政论文撷英
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财政论文撷英  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-11-12 15:56


题目: Family Leave Policies and Gender Inequality in Executive Positions: Evidence from Chinese Listed Firms 时 间 : 2 0 2 4 年11 月13 日   星 期三   12:30 报 告 人 : 林威  助理教授 地 点 : 明德主楼 509 主 持 人 : 杨益民 摘要:  This paper investigates whether generous family leave policies can promote gender equality in top executive positions. Leveraging the 2016 family leave reform in China, which varied the extensions of maternity and paternity leave across provinces, we employ a difference-in-differences strategy to analyze its impact on gender inequality in top managerial roles within publicly listed firms. Our findings reveal that increased inequality between maternity and paternity leave durations significantly reduces the proportion of female new hires and existing female executives, particularly among women of childbearing age. This negative impact is primarily driven by the extended duration of maternity leave. Additionally, we ………………………………

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