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一天一篇经济学人  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-09-24 09:16


【 原文 】 阿勒泰市虽然是小地方,但好歹也算是城市了,车流不息,街道两边招牌拥挤。但我曾经见过有人就在这样的大街上策马狂奔。那是真正的奔跑,马蹄铁在坚硬平整的黑色路面上敲击出清脆急促的声音。四面都是车辆,那马儿居然视若无物,大约是见过世面的。要是在乡下,远远地看到前面有汽车开过来,骑马的人大多会勒停马儿,让到路基下面,怕马儿受惊驾驭不住。 我一直目送那人和他的马消失在街道拐弯处,才意识到他们刚才闯红灯了。 【 参考译文 】 Small as it is, Altay is big enough to be a city, with cars cramming in the streets and signboards on both sides. But I once saw someone gallop through a street like this. It was a real dash, with all the crisp and hurried cling-clanging on the hard, smooth black road. The horse must be an experienced city dasher to ignore the overwhelming traffic. In the countryside, ………………………………

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