©MD 跳脱传统高调的静穆,消解「观」与「展」的惯性距离,藉由空间与作品独特的结合方式,表达「艺术取悦生活」的核心精神,创造艺术与心灵轻松对话的空间。在想像的海洋中冲浪, 感受刚、柔之间的起伏切换, 聆听有机与无机介质的对话, 在膨涨与收缩的张力中,与灵感的泉眼一一对视。 Breaking away from the traditional high-profile tranquility, dissolving the inertia distance between "observation" and "exhibition", and expressing the core spirit of "art pleasing life" through the unique combination of space and works, creating a space for easy dialogue between art and the soul. Surfing in the imagined ocean, feeling the ups and downs between rigidity and softness, listening to the dialogue between organic and inorganic media, and gazing at the springs of inspiration one by one in the tension of expansion and contraction. 台北 p/zzzz 实体艺术展览空间设计 Taipei P/ZZZZ