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激情能否经受住时间的考验?| 今日心理学

一天一篇经济学人  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-07-28 09:36


 1 写在前面 01 2024 年第二期翻译打卡营   4位一笔,3位二笔 30天录播课程 既有中译英,也有英译中。 从翻译的流程策略, 英汉语言特点,方法,类型, 背景知识到细致的语言点, 我们都逐一讲解以及答疑,让同学们吃透翻译。 点击下图,即可了解翻译打卡营详情! 2 精读|翻译|词组 Relationships Can Passionate Love Survive the Test of Time? New research on daily experiences of passion shows love’s enduring qualities. Key points The idea that passion declines over time is a common one, but is it accurate? New research on passionate love shows that it can continue, especially when partners express their feelings. Rather than seeking sameness, there can be value in seeking out some “messiness” for greater fulfillment. It’s almost a given that passionate love will eventually dissipate and turn into a more sustainable emotion. You may have experienced this yourself as you and your partne ………………………………

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