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九言 | 当你开始爱自己,活着才会有意义。

读书有范  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-07-08 06:00


这是范叔为你准备的 『九言』  7.8 先找出你的能力所在,然后再决定你是谁。 First identify your abilities, and then decide who you are. 唯有身处卑微的人,最有机缘看到世态人情的真相。 Only those who are in a humble position have the most opportunity to see the truth of human relationships. 在力所能及的范围,活的尽兴,不一定逆风翻盘,但请一定向阳而生。 Live to the fullest within your capabilities, not necessarily against the wind, but always live towards the sun. 当你开始爱自己,活着才会有意义。 When you start loving yourself, life will be meaningful. 如果你抑郁了,说明你活在过去;如果你焦虑了,说明你活在未来;如果你平静了,才说明你活在现在。 If you are depressed, it means you are living in the past; If you are anxious, it means you are living in the future; If you are calm, it means you are living in the present. 孤独的从来不是人的躯 ………………………………

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