Swipe for English >>> 上周,阿里云AI Everything Global 2025大会在阿联酋圆满举办,成功吸引了15000多位科技爱好者、业内专家和500多家人工智能大型科技公司及初创公司参观,期间更有阿联酋科技部长来到阿里云参观进行展位。 更多精彩内容,下面我们一起回顾吧: < < < Swipe for Chinese Last week, the Alibaba Cloud AI Everything Global 2025 conference was successfully held in the UAE, attracting over 15,000 tech enthusiasts, industry experts, and more than 500 large AI tech companies and startups. During the event, the UAE's Minister of Technology also visited the Alibaba Cloud booth. Let's take a look at more highlights from the event below: 左右滑动查看更多