爆炸与反应流国际研讨会 2024年8月30日 8:20 蔻享学术 扫码观看直播 会议日程 日程以现场实际为准 8月30日 8:20-8:30 Opening Ceremony 8:30-12:05 Presentation Chairman: Prof.Cheng Wang 8:30-09:35 Prof. WeiGe Virtual Process Engineering Based on Multiscale Simulation of Multiphase Systems Institute of Process Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China 9:35-9:50 Coffee Break Chairman: Prof.Jiankun Shao 9:50-10:20 Prof. Huahua Xiao Flame Acceleration and DDT in a Channel: Effect of Obstacle Shape and Arrangement University of Science and Technology of China, China 10:25-10:55 Prof.Liheng Bian A Broadband Hyperspectral Image Sensor with High Spatio-temporal Resolution Beijing Institute of Technology, China 11:00-11:30 Dr. Shangpeng Li Theoretical Analysis of Quasi-steady Evaporation in Compositionally Distinct Droplet Pairs National University of Singapore, Singapore 11:35-12:05 Prof.Jian Li Experimental Study on Detonation Propagation inA