本周 JCS Focus 将继续为大家推送 社会学国际顶刊 Qualitative Sociology (《质性社会学》) 的最新目录及摘要 ABOUT QUALITATIVE SOCIOLOGY Qualitative Sociology 致力于对社会生活进行质性分析解释。欢迎根据访谈、参与者观察、民族志、历史分析和内容分析等主要不依赖数字数据的研究方法的原创性研究投稿。 Qualitative Sociology 为季刊,每年发布4期,其最新一期(Volume 47, Issue 1 March 2024)共有7篇文章,详情如下。 Relational Brokerage: Interaction and Valuation in Two Markets Hannah Wohl & Max Besbris Across various markets, consumers rely on brokers to help them select goods. How do brokers shape consumers’ valuation? We address this question by drawing from two independent but analogous ethnographies of brokerage and purchasing in the New York housing market and the New York art market. Building upon the relational turn in economic sociology, we identify the in