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复合型空间 I PuffFrog x Kangol x Matata

策站  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-09-27 08:40


© 觉得设计 PuffFrog是一家线上主打帽子的买手品牌,他们首次尝试进军线下实体零售,打造了一个以街头文化为核心的多功能空间。这个空间集街头服饰、精品咖啡和黑胶唱片于一体,为顾客提供了全方位的体验。除了自家产品,PuffFrog还为本地品牌和艺术家提供展示平台,促进了社区文化、设计和生产与他们独特的创意相融合。这种综合性的经营理念使得PuffFrog不仅仅是一个购物场所,更成为了社区的文化中心和创意聚集地。 PuffFrog is an online hat buying brand that is making its first foray into offline physical retail, creating a multifunctional space centered around street culture. This space integrates streetwear, boutique coffee, and vinyl records, providing customers with a comprehensive experience. In addition to its own products, PuffFrog also provides a display platform for local brands and artists, promoting the integration of community ………………………………

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