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CHINADAILY  · 公众号  · 时评  · 2024-05-17 17:38


导读   据法新社报道,香港科技大学近日开始测试投放“AI讲师”,学生通过使用头显等设备,可以亲眼看见“爱因斯坦”数字人讲解博弈论。 该学校通过生成式AI工具设计出了10名来自世界各地、从事各行各业、属于不同民族及文化背景的AI讲师。据介绍,该校希望通过这一创新的教学模式来激发学生的学习热情、提升课堂参与度,未来还将结合学生的喜好和兴趣设计出个性化的AI教室。 With virtual reality (VR) headsets, students at a Hong Kong university can now have lectures on game theory presented by an AI-generated Albert Einstein facilitated by a project led by a research team from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) (Guangzhou). The technology is expected to revolutionize college classrooms.  ▲AI lecturers Photo: Courtesy of Pan Hui, chair professor of Computational Media and Arts and Director of the Centre for Metaverse and Co ………………………………

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