Geoscience Frontiers-2篇 Gondwana Research-7篇 Precambrian Research-7篇 Tectono-magmatic evolution of the Indian crust in western
Himalayas during Paleoproterozoic: Insights from Nanga Parbat and Indus
syntaxis in northern Pakistan 古元古代西喜马拉雅地区印度地壳的构造-岩浆演化:来自巴基斯坦北部南加帕尔巴特和印度河合带的启示 Gondwana Research —— Combined study of Au-bearing arsenopyrite of orogenic gold
deposits (NE Asia): High resolution 3D X-ray computed tomography, LA-ICP-MS,
EMPA data 古元古代西喜马拉雅地区印度地壳的构造-岩浆演化:来自巴基斯坦北部南加帕尔巴特和印度河合带的启示 Geoscience Frontiers —— The Barberton Drilling Project’s Buck Reef Chert core BARB3 –
Sedimentary facies and depositional environment of a 3.4Ga marine
platform succession Barberton钻井项目Buck
Reef燧石岩心bar3 - 3.4 Ga海相台地演替沉积相与沉积环境 Precambrian Research —— Coeval T