用AI察觉AI生成的文本(4) Use AI to Detect AI-Generated Text (4) “ 特别鸣谢(Special Thanks) :在读论文的过程中,有几小点疑惑,所以当时请教了论文作者。非常非常感谢作者耐心又细致的答疑解惑,受益匪浅。While reading the paper, we had a few small questions, therefore we consulted the author. We are extremely grateful for the author's patient and detailed explanations, which were very enlightening. “ 如果需要这一系列或者其他文章的 PPT可编辑源文件(免费) ,私信发送“ 获取 ”即可。To request the editable Slides (free) of this or other articles, send a private message with " Slides ". 目录(Table of Contents): 导语 Introduction 验证检测能力的不同场景(Testbed1~2) 验证检测能力的不同场景(Testbed3~4) 验证检测能力的不同场景(Testbed5~8) (←) 验证检测能力的不同场景(Testbed5~8) 在 前面的文章 中,我们介绍了Detec