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塑造空间与品牌的高度一致 I BIBILEE深业上城快闪店

策站  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-06-21 08:40


©聂晓聪 独立设计师品牌BIBILEE在深业上城3层街区开设了一间为期5个月的快闪店,探索品牌线下体验的新境界。品牌接手了这个位置,并在短短一个月内将其改造为品牌的快闪店,由MOC DESIGN设计的极简空间为这个位置注入了新的生机。 The independent designer brand BIBILEE has opened a 5-month pop-up store in the 3-story block of Shenzhen Shangcheng, exploring new horizons for the brand's offline experience. The brand took over this position and transformed it into a brand pop-up store within a short month. The minimalist space designed by MOC DESIGN injected new vitality into this position.  BIBILEE深业上城快闪店   BIBILEE Shenye Shangcheng Flash Store - - - 服装与建筑虽然看似毫无关联,但实际上二者都是人类社会属性的体现,因此二者之间有着紧密的联系。服装艺术通过面料、款式和工艺来展现个体之间的差异,而建筑则通过材质、造型 ………………………………

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