Autumn Equinox On the Chinese lunar calendar, “Autumn Equinox” is the beginning of autumn and this day is just at the middle point between “Autumn Begins” to “Hoar-Frost Falls”.It arrives on September 22 to September 23 each year when the sun reaches the celestial longitude of 180 degrees. 在中国农历的节气中,秋分意味着秋天的正式开始,这也是正处于立秋和霜降之间,每年秋分是在9月22-23日之间,太阳达到天文经度180度。 When the cold air southward meets the declining warm and wet air, precipitation is the result. The temperature also drops frequently. 到来秋分之后,中国大部分的地区就已经进入了凉爽的秋季,这时候田里的庄稼已经长得十分饱满,路边的梧桐树叶也被染成一片暖黄,不仅有热情的颜色,还有一场凉过一场的秋雨。 It is a good season to enjoy sweet-scented osmanthus full blossom around Autumn Equinox. At this time, it is hot in the day and cool