热词手帐(No. 1769 ) 我们从英国《金融时报》近期热点报道中挑选值得记忆的高频单词和短语,配合释义与新闻原文例句,帮助你轻松掌握地道实用的英文表达,在不断积累中感受英语能力的进步与提高。 ① testimony /ˈtes.tɪ.mən.i/ n.证词,证言 “ Trump’s about-turn on his testimony marked a departure from his decisions to take the stand in two recent New York civil trials, both of which ended in judgments against him. 特朗普在 证词 上的态度转变,标志着他改变了他的决定,在最近两起纽约民事审判中他都决定出庭作证,而这两起审判都以他的败诉而告 终。 本文2024年5月22日发布于FT中文网,英文原题为 D onald Trump won’t take the stand as ‘hush money’ trial enters end stage ” ② divulge /daɪˈvʌldʒ/ v.泄露 “ Tuesday’s communique said the 16 companies would “provide public transparency” on implementation of their pled