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浙江台州 · “左牧国际”地板展厅设计

策站  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-10-31 08:40


© 单行线摄影-朴言 “觉得有趣味”就是欣赏 在审美意象的生成过程中,空间审美直觉和逻辑思维发挥着重要的基础作用。空间审美直觉作为非逻辑性思维,能直观地理解和感知美的存在,而逻辑思维则通过严谨的推理和分析,为审美意象的生成提供了重要的支撑。审美意象的产生是个人生命体验与自然、人生和社会的交融,逻辑思维在这一交融过程中起着媒介的作用,推动着审美意象的生成和发展。 In the process of generating aesthetic images, spatial aesthetic intuition and logical thinking play an important foundational role. As a non logical thinking, spatial aesthetic intuition can intuitively understand and perceive the existence of beauty, while logical thinking provides important support for the generation of aesthetic images through rigorous reasoning and analysis. The emergence of aesthetic imagery is the integration of personal life experience ………………………………

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