在GRE 的写作中,我们经常会碰到一些非常难写的题目,其中一些题目甚至让琦叔都直呼抽象。 例如,最近的GRE写作One Pass课上,琦叔就给大家讲了一道近期考试出现过的题目: Claim: While boredom is often expressed with a sense of self-satisfaction, it should really be a source of embarrassment. Reason: Boredom arises from a lack of imagination and self-motivation. Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim and the reason on which that claim is based. 很多同学反馈都说到,这道题目中出现的“boredom”、“embarrassment”、“imagination”、“self-motivation”分开看都知道什么意思,但是合到一起就不清楚题目想说啥? 今天我们就通过这道题目讲解带同学们整理Issue写作破题中的要点。 01 破题思路整理 不同于托福或雅思这样更考察语言本身的写作,GRE的写作更关注答题人的逻