专栏名称: 设计先锋队
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The Shelter,希腊帕特雷

设计先锋队  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-11-09 07:19


The design proposal concerns the creation of a ground-floor residence with basement in Kato Kastritsi, Achaia. The element that characterizes the design proposal is linearity. 该设计方案涉及在亚该亚州 Kato Kastritsi 创建带地下室的底层住宅。体现设计方案特征的元素是线性。 The central idea of the composition is based on a linear shell, which acts as a “fault line” that bisects the plot, cutting it in two. The division of the plot in two separate sections reinforces the two different functions of the plot: the first concerns the inactive function of everyday’s life -that of the olive grove- and the second concerns the residents’ daily relaxation area -the garden of the residence. The location of the plot, as well as the location of the building, its orientation, its morphology and its linear geometry make it look like a shelter in the landscape, like a “shell” that encloses all the functions of the residence. 构图的中心思 ………………………………

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