位于印度尼西亚的巴厘岛 Pejeng丘陵地带,由葱郁的高冠树木和茂盛的植物所环绕的土地构成了一片热带森林。森林深处,有一座专门为荷兰夫妇Tijn和Raisa设计的家,他们把它命名为“Rumah Haruku”。 Located in the Pejeng hills of Bali, Indonesia, the land is a tropical forest surrounded by lush, high-crown trees and lush plants. Deep in the forest, there isa home specially designed for Dutch couple Tijn and Raisa, who named it "Rumah Haruku". 这对夫妇被岛上深厚的历史、充满活力的文化和壮丽的自然美景所吸引。 Raisa身上罗马尼亚基因使她对自己的传统产生了深深的好奇心。为此,他们有了一个十分明确的目标,即创造一个将印尼传统与极简主义美学完美融合的住所。 The couple were drawn to the island's deep history, vibrant culture and magnificent natural beauty. Raisa has Romanian genes that make her curious about her heritage. To do so, they had