专栏名称: 海问律师事务所
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海问律师事务所  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-07-09 17:57


HAIWEN NEWS   Haiwen Secures Rare Court Order for Sale of Vessel Pending Arbitration 海问律师事务所很高兴地宣布,香港争议解决业务组成功获得了法院的一项罕见命令,允许在正进行的仲裁过程中出售一艘船舶。在该仲裁中,海问代表货主针对承运人提起了一宗数百万美元的索赔。这一索赔源于承运人未能提供适航船舶,以及偏离约定航线,从而导致货物遭受重大损失。 Haiwen is pleased to announce that its Dispute Resolution Team in Hong Kong has successfully obtained a rare court order to sell a vessel pending an ongoing arbitration. In this arbitration, Haiwen represents the cargo owner in pursuing a multi-million dollar claim against the carrier under a bill of lading. The claim arises from the carrier's failure to provide a seaworthy vessel and its deviation from the agreed shipping route, which resulted in substantial damages to the cargo. 该船舶此前因在香港海事处检查 ………………………………

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