☆ Arguing with my wife she bragged that women are better at multitasking. I asked her to sit down and shut up but she couldn’t do either. 在与我妻子争吵时,她吹嘘说女人更擅长多任务处理。 我让她坐下并闭嘴,但她都做不到。 ——howsitgoin_eh ☆ I went to the grocery store today and bought a massive cucumber, the biggest they had, I also bought a tub of vasoline lubricant as I didn’t want the checkout operator to get the wrong idea. I didn’t want her thinking I was vegan. 我今天去杂货店买了一根很大的黄瓜,是店里最大的一根,顺便还买了一桶凡士林润滑剂,以防收银员误会。 我不想让她以为我是素食主义者。 ——Wtfdidistumbleinon 不适合我 没品古董知识:【天文学家第谷·布拉赫的假鼻子】 1566年,20岁的第谷就读于德国罗斯托克大学。一次醉酒后他与同学发生口角,两个醉醺醺的年轻人决定以决斗定