点击下方 卡片 ,关注“ 慢慢学AIGC ” 由 DALL·E 3 生成,prompt:A detailed scene depicting Chinese high school students taking the Gaokao exam. The setting is a large, well-lit classroom with rows of desks. Students are focused, writing intensely on their exam papers. Some have their heads down, deep in concentration, while others glance at the clock on the wall. Teachers or proctors are walking around, monitoring the exam. The atmosphere is tense but orderly. Outside the windows, parents and family members can be seen anxiously waiting. The classroom is decorated with motivational banners and posters in Chinese characters. 《七律·高考》 千军万马过独桥, 挥汗如雨志气高。 十年寒窗今朝战, 一片书声壮心豪。 披荆斩棘不言弃, 书海遨游梦共邀。 心怀壮志望云霄, 未来之路自逍遥。 ——内容由 GPT-4o 生成。 今年的高考题目也与时俱进,例如 新课标 I 卷的语文作文题: 阅读下面