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财政论文撷英  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-11-14 14:05


题目: Learning and Expectations in Dynamic Spatial Economies 时 间 : 2 0 2 4 年11 月15 日   星 期五   10:00-12:00 报 告 人 : 樊静霆  助理教授 地 点 : 线上腾讯会议(会议号: 937-760-508 ) 主 持 人 : 谢晓晨 摘要:  The impact of shocks in dynamic environments depends on how forward-looking agents anticipate the path of future fundamentals that shape their decisions. We incorporate flexible beliefs about future fundamentals into a general class of dynamic spatial models, allowing beliefs to be evolving, uncertain, and heterogeneous across groups of agents. We show how to implement our methodology to study both ex-ante and ex-post shocks to fundamentals. We apply our method to two settings: an ex-ante study of the economic impacts of climate change, and an ex-post evaluation of the China productivity shock on the U.S. economy. In both cases, we study the impact of deviations from perfect foresight on different outcomes. 报告人简 ………………………………

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