专栏名称: 遇见数学
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遇见数学  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-11-26 20:15


» 数学的诗意与哲思:跟随名言一起探索数学的奥秘(1) »  数学的诗意与哲思:跟随名言一起探索数学的奥秘(2) 这是「繁星数语——数学名言系列」的第三期,我们将继续领略数学世界中的闪耀智慧,愿这些箴言为你带来新的启发与思考。 前两期【遇见数学】是以图片分享,虽然美观些但着实麻烦,今后还是以更高效的文字形式发布吧。 Arthur Cayley 的名言 原文 "I would myself say that the purely imaginary objects are the only realities, the ὂντως ὂντα [truest things], in regard to which the corresponding physical objects are as the shadows in the cave; and it is only by means of them that we are able to deny the existence of a corresponding physical object; and if there is no conception of straightness, then it is meaningless to deny the conception of a perfectly straight line." — Arthur Cayley, Presidential address, British Association for the Advancement ………………………………

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