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Editorial丨Reality is tariff hikes of no real benefit

CHINADAILY  · 公众号  · 时评  · 2024-08-29 10:49


The Office of the United States Trade Representati ve is expected to make a final decision by the end of the month on its proposal to increase Section 301 duties on Chinese products in industries Washington has identified as strategic. The increases were originally scheduled to be phased in from Aug 1, as the White House believes the imposition of tariffs under section 301 of the Trade Act "have been effective in encouraging China to take positive steps in addressing the issues identified in the section 301 investigation, such as certain revisions in its foreign investment and administrative licensing laws". But the duties have been postponed due to dissenting voices from US business communities. Economic and trade relations with China have been politicized to such an extent that any sign of perceived weakness may be politically problematic ahead of the upcoming presidential election As such, a decision not to go ahead with the tariff hikes would not be easy at such a point. Since it ………………………………

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