来源:亚洲开发银行官网 实习地点: 总部菲律宾马尼拉及其他国家代表处 专业要求: 视岗位而定 实习时长: 预计8-11周 申请截止日期: 2024年8月31日23:59(2359 Manila Time, 0800 GMT) 申请通道: 通过亚开行ACES系统(https://aces.adb.org/)在线申请,点击“阅读原文”前往。 详细信息: https://www.adb.org/work-with-us/careers/internship-program ADB Internship Program The Internship Program is a project-oriented learning opportunity for graduate students to gain experience through research assignments based on ADB’s current operational needs. ADB advertises internship assignments twice a year and welcomes motivated, open-minded, and self-directed individuals to apply. The internship program offers the opportunity to: work in a major international development organization; work collaboratively with experienced professionals from over 50 different countries; gain a deeper understanding of development fina