夏日恋习曲 L'estate di Giacomo (Summer of Giacomo) 意大利 法国 比利时|2011|78 min 导演: 亚历山德罗·科莫丁 Giacomo 是个俊美的聋哑少年,燥热夏天午后,他和青梅竹马女友来到湖边野餐,却在森林里迷了路,夏日恋情成了一趟冒险旅程,少年才有的愁滋味。忽然间,同一个湖边,光景却全然不同,他身边的女孩换了另一个人,剧情急转直下。导演用极简故事道出爱情的永恒难题,手持摄影在烈阳的自然光下精准捕捉美景。影片荣获洛迦诺电影节当代影人金豹奖,翌年入选戛纳电影节 ACID 单元。 After a long opening scene in which 19-year-old Giacomo plays a stormy drum solo while the camera focuses on his hearing aid, the hard-of-hearing boy sets off on a languid summer afternoon with his childhood girlfriend Stefi through the woods to a remote river. There the two swim and sunbathe, enjoy picnic sandwiches, chatter away mindlessly, list