专栏名称: 环境人Environmentor
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环境人Environmentor  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-11-14 23:27


Applications are invited for a postdoctoral position in the Air Quality and Particle Technology group  (Prof. Dr. J. Wang). The successful candidate will be hosted by the Institute of Environmental Engineering, ETH Zürich. Position available immediately. 项目介绍: The air quality models play significant roles in forecasting air pollution events, assessing emissions and air quality in specific regions, and quantifying the contributions of various sources to air pollutants. Numerical models with high special resolution are in demand especially for studies such as epidemiological research, source apportionment, urban planning, etc.  This project will contribute to the MASSEV (Monitoring, Mapping and Modelling Air Quality for Sustainable Environments in Cities and Communities) consortium in the frame work of Global Research Council - Sustainable Development Goals Program. Our consortium aims at developing air quality sensor platforms, models with high spatiotemporal resolution, ………………………………

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