△项目视频 Video ©尌林建筑 留坝县城坐落在一个山沟里,红砖公厕位于县城老街一侧的辅路上。周边有学校、民房、公交站,环境混杂,人流量也较大。公厕对面是一个留坝游客服务中心,这个位置以后会是一个游客集散地。 The red brick public toilet is located on the sideway of the old street in the Liuba County seated in a ravine, surrounded by schools, resident buildings and bus stops, with a complicated environment and many tourists. Opposite the public toilet is a Liuba tourist service center, which will become a tourist distribution center in the future. △ 傍晚亮灯后看公厕场景 The toilet with light at dusk©赵奕龙 △鸟瞰公厕与城镇的关系 Bird-eye view of the public toilet and the village©赵奕龙 △原始场地 original venue ©尌林建筑 退让点空间给街道 / Space given to the street 公厕所在的街道不是很宽,周边建筑都比较高,公厕被夹在中