Call for papers 本期为大家推介的是期刊《城市数据、科学与技术汇刊》( Transactions in Urban Data, Science, and Technology )专刊 《 通过主动感知赋能城市 》( Empowering Cities through Active Sensing Initiatives ) 的征文启事, 包含Rationale(选题依据)、 The scope of Topics (主题范围)、 Guidelines(投稿指南)、Timeline(时间表)等内容。欢迎您的咨询、建议与投稿! [ Rationale(选题依据) ] In the pursuit of comprehensive urban understanding, passive observation is no longer sufficient. Active urban sensing, characterized by deliberate initiatives to organize equipment and personnel for data collection, emerges as a crucial paradigm in urban studies. This special issue is dedicated to exploring the transformative potential of active urban sensing, delineating new directions that promise to revolutionize our understanding of cities and inform more proactive urban interventions. Passive data c