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灵动的色彩 I Munich鞋店展厅

策站  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-06-26 08:40


©José Hevia Studio Animal为慕尼黑设计的运动鞋店铺致力于以空间和氛围主导购物体验。店铺独特的幻想世界令顾客沉浸其中,给人留下了强烈深刻的印象。 Studio Animal's sports shoe store designed for Munich is committed to leading the shopping experience with space and atmosphere. The unique fantasy world of the store immerses customers and leaves a strong and profound impression.  Munich“帐篷” I 鞋店   Munich "Tent" I Shoe Store - - - 设计师从几何形状与颜色的应用入手,营造出怀旧、幽默、高辨识度的幻想场景,强调非凡的空间体验,弱化传统的销售功能。店铺被设计成一个多面对称的几何形体,面积为10 x 10平方米,由十二个侧面进行围合。置身于十二面金字塔的内部,四周不再是简单的鞋店。 The designer starts with the application of geometric shapes and colors, creating nostalgic, humorous, and highly recognizable fantasy scenes, em ………………………………

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