专栏名称: 研途星辰
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研途星辰  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-10-05 08:02


知名的生物医学教授Milton Pividori博士在 《Nature》期刊上,发表了一篇名为《 Chatbots in science: What can ChatGPT do for you?》的文章。该文章主要描述了关于 Milton Pividori博士在科研中使用 ChatGPT的经验。 我在这里就展示文章的全文了,首先将文章中的提示词提取出来,供大家学习使用。文中的提示词是用于修订稿件摘要,是作者根据之前发布的提示词工程指南制定的。 文中完整的指令: You are a professional copy editor with ample experience handling scientific texts. Revise the following abstract from a manuscript so that it follows a context–content–conclusion scheme. (1) The context portion communicates to the reader the gap that the paper will fill. The first sentence orients the reader by introducing the broader field. Then, the context is narrowed until it lands on the open question that the research answers. A successful context section distinguishes the resear ………………………………

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