活动预告 京师数学 公众报告 01 Integrable and nearly-integrable fractional nonlinear soliton equations 报告题目(Title): Integrable and nearly-integrable fractional nonlinear soliton equations 报告人(Speaker): 闫振亚 研究员(中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院) 地点(Place): 后主楼1125 时间(Time): 12月28日(周六)16:00-17:00 邀请人(inviter): 王灯山 报告摘要: In this report, we introduce the developments of Integrable and nearly-integrable fractional equations. And then we analyze some properties of some fractional nonlinear soliton equations including integrable multi-Levy-index fractional nonlinear soliton equations, generalized two-Levy-index fractional NLS equation, and discrete fractional NLS equations. Finally, we give some discussions. 主讲人简介: 闫振亚,中科院数学院研究员,主要研究数学物理、可积系统、Riemann-Hilbert问题、PT对称、怪波、智能数学物理、