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小词详解 | blurt

田间小站  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-08-02 08:40


blurt 英 [blɜːt] 美 [blɜːrt] SAT   TEM4   TEM8   GRE 外刊例句 If the rumours are to be believed, the next generation of models will be even more remarkable—able to perform multi-step tasks, for instance, rather than merely responding to prompts, or analysing complex questions carefully instead of blurting out the first algorithmically available answer. 如果传言可信,那么下一代模型还要更加惊人——例如,能够执行多步骤任务,而不仅仅是就提示给出回应,或者能仔细分析复杂的问题,而不是直接给出通过算法得出的第一个答案。 ——《经济学人》 A friend blurts out something offensive in a conversation. 一位朋友在谈话中脱口说出了一些冒犯的话。 ——《纽约时报》 基本释义 [verb] say (something) suddenly and without careful consideration [动词] 突然且未经仔细考虑地说(某事) 深入解读 从拼写上来看, blurt 不仅是一个与常见单词 hurt ………………………………

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