专栏名称: TeacherGwen
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TeacherGwen  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-07-10 06:00


Gwen词链儿学习法 / 口语提升法门 “词链儿学口语”三步走: Step 1: 输入:地道素材原句中挑词链儿 Step 2: 口语化:地道的英语和地道的汉语做对接 Step 3: 输出:替换造句用出来 点击跳转回顾 【为什么学了这么多年,还是哑巴英语?】 点击跳转回顾 【学英语,你用对方法了吗?】 点击跳转回顾 【怎么利用词链儿练口语】 看电影学口语 点击边框调出视频工具条       《爆炸新闻 》 向上滑动查看字幕 Mygan: Roger rules Fox from behind these doors on the second floor. When employees say "the second floor", they mean Roger. Or the many VPs pay to enact his will without qualms or questions. Now I know some of you are thinking and no. Roger does not tell us what to say on the air. He doesn't have to. Roger is always watching. The phone in his office connects directly to the control room which is down on the first floor. 今日学习: enact his will withou ………………………………

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