© 马利仁 该项目的前身是我们前两年前做的茶饮店,这次要重新设计是希望通过二次更新调整新的业态,一拆为二为两个小型商业。分别是女装品牌和茶饮店。 The project originated from a tea shop we designed two years ago, now undergoing a redesign to adjust to a new business model, effectively splitting the original space into two separate retail establishments: a women’s fashion brand and a tea shop. ESQAU女装集合店 & BONJOUR茶饮店 ESQAU Women's Clothing Collection Store & BONJOUR Tea Beverage Store - - - 在原建筑条件的前提下,我们保留了第一门头,保留了茶饮店本身的形象。在第二门头上,分隔了两个店面。两个业态独立又共存,和原建筑不违和的结合,存在于街道上,与社区共存。 Maintaining the architectural integrity of the original building, we preserved the first storefront, retaining the tea shop’s distinctive image. On the second sto