专栏名称: 放射沙龙
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放射沙龙  · 公众号  · 医学  · 2020-09-23 18:50
来源:熊猫放射放射沙龙商务合作(微信):shenzhen12333内容来源:Masses and Malformations of the Third Ventricle: Normal Anatomic Relationships and Differential DiagnosesThe third ventricle lies in the center of the brain. It is surrounded by critical nuclear structures (the hypothalamus and thalami) and important glandular structures (the pituitary and pineal glands). Although a wide array of pathologic processes may involve the third ventricle, most are extrinsic masses. By understanding the anatomic boundaries of the third ventricle and its relationship to adjacent structures, it is possible to create short lists of differential diagnoses. Third ventricle masses can be classified as arising in or immediately adjacent to one of five locations: anterior, posterior, inferior, foramen of Monro, and intraventricular. Anterior masses involve the optic ………………………………

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