▲ Click above to subscribe 点击上方蓝字关注我们 Last year, China received just over 94.5 million visitors from January to September alone. The vast majority of them would have needed to navigate an issue that, honestly, sounds like a bit of a punchline. China, a country with a tech industry valued at 3.88 Trillion USD and made 1.73 Trillion USD in 2023 from Software and IT alone, doesn’t actually have a maps app in English. Until now. China’s premier maps app, Gaode Maps/Amap, just got an update that finally provides English language support. It does seem crazy when you think about it. China is a historically popular tourist destination, peaking at fourth globally in 2018, but the average experience for a new tourist is fraught with hoop to jump through. As China’s tech sector continues to grow rapidly, the difficulty navigating their technological ecosystem grows too. While not the most debilitating issue — that honour probably goes to entering the Chinese mobi