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海问·要闻 | 海问刘洋律师再次获任第三者资助仲裁及调解的咨询机构成员

海问律师事务所  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-08-23 17:48


Haiwen's Edward Liu re-appointed to Advisory Body on Third Party Funding of Arbitration and Mediation 海问律师事务所很高兴地宣布,香港办公室合伙人刘洋律师再次获任香港律政司第三者资助仲裁及调解的咨询机构成员,任期三年。 Haiwen & Partners, a leading law firm in Greater China, is pleased to announce that Mr. Edward Liu, a partner at its Hong Kong office, has been reappointed to the Hong Kong Department of Justice's Advisory Body on Third Party Funding of Arbitration and Mediation for a three-year term. 该咨询机构是根据《仲裁条例》第10A部分设立的,负责监测和审查仲裁和调解领域的第三者资助运作情况,以及相关实践守则的执行情况。 The Advisory Body was established under Part 10A of the Arbitration Ordinance to monitor and review the operation of third-party funding in arbitration and mediation, as well as the implementation of the relevant code of practice. 在宣布此次重 ………………………………

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