关键观点1: 外国作家霍普·贾斯曼对中国古蜀道的热爱与研究
关键观点2: 古蜀道的地理位置与历史背景
关键观点3: 贾斯曼书籍内容的丰富与精彩部分
关键观点4: 古蜀道的文化价值
关键观点5: 作者对四川地区的深入了解和欣赏
Yuan Tingdong had a pleasant surprise when he came across the Chinese edition of US writer Hope Justman's Guide to Hiking China's Old Road to Shu, which was published recently by the Sichuan Ethnic Publishing House. Justman had visited different parts of the shudao, or Shu Roads, 24 times, either alone or with family members or her friends from the United States, since she first stepped on it in 2001. ▲ Farmers walk oxen along the Cuiyunlang corridor in Jiange county, Guangyuan, Sichuan province. Wei Yunhui/For China Daily The world has two ancient paths on the UNESCO's World Heritage List, Camino de Santiago in Spain and the Kumano Kodo in Japan. To Justman, an 82-year-old resident of Philadelphia in the US, China's Shu Roads are as deserving as both to be on the list. Yuan, 84, a senior researcher in the culture of Sichuan province and neighboring Chongqing municipality, says he highly respects Justman for her knowledge of the Shu Roads, also called Ancient Shu Roads. "I did not