3 长 按 扫码领取 1-787期晨读完整版 PDF电子讲义 扫 码 (长按 扫码领取本期晨读PDF ) 晨读音频 文本导读 据路透社报道,当地时间7月4日,美国犹他州一座体育馆内举行的“独立日”庆祝活动发生意外,因现场燃放的烟花出现故障,多枚烟花弹直接射向人群,导致多人受伤送医治疗。 Fireworks spray into Utah stadium, injuring multiple people, before Jonas Brothers show 烟火喷入犹他州体育场,在乔纳斯兄弟演出前导致多人受伤 Fireworks shot into a crowd at an annual Fourth of July celebration in Utah and injured multiple people on Thursday inside a packed university stadium, city officials and event organizers are reporting. 据市政府官员和活动组织者报道,在犹他州一年一度的独立日庆典上,烟花射入人群,导致周四在一个拥挤的大学体育场内多人受伤。 The "firework malfunction " took place during the openi